LifeWatch is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) providing e-Science research facilities to scientists seeking to increase our knowledge and deepen our understanding of Biodiversity organization and Ecosystem functions and services in order to support civil society in addressing key planetary challenges. It
was founded by seven European Member States: Belgium, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain.
As an e-Infrastructure and structuring tool for the European Research Area, LifeWatch ERIC represents a significant step forward, empowering users and stakeholders as they seek to address societal challenges linked to climate change and resource efficiency, food security and agriculture, sustainable development and energy
supply, security and health.
LifeWatch ERIC seeks to understand the complex interactions between species and the environment, taking advantage of High-Performance, Grid and Big Data computing systems, and the development of advanced modelling tools to implement management measures aimed at preserving life on Earth.
LifeWatch ERIC's mission is to be a "first class" worldwide provider of content and services for the Biodiversity research community by:
• Offering new opportunities for large-scale scientific development;
• Enabling accelerated data capture with innovative new technologies;
• Supporting knowledge-based decision-making for biodiversity and ecosystem management;
• Providing training, dissemination and awareness programs.
LifeWatch ERIC was established by European Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/499 of 17 March 2017. Due this reason, LifeWatch ERIC has its own Procurement Rules (